Teletubbies Xtranormal Wiki
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Debbie and the children having fun.

Fun With Debbie is the seventh episode of Season 1. It is also the seventh episode of Teletubbies Xtranormal.

Fun With Debbie





Magical Event

Magic Clouds

Air Date

October 6, 2012

Preceded by

Naughty Rabbit

Followed by

Old King Cole


The Teletubbies play a game called "This Little Teletubby"which has Dipsy going for a walk, Po stays home, Tinky-Winky has Tubby Custard and Laa-Laa has none (or does she?) Then they watch children having fun with Debbie. Po is looking up at the sky. A Voice Trumpet rises and sings about it. Some white clouds come ad turn gray and it starts to rain. Po hurries inside and watches the rain from her bedroom. When the rain stops, Po goes back outside. She sees a puddle and sees her reflection in it. Finally, the Teletubbies watch the Magic Clouds before Tubby Bye-Bye.


  • Gerhardt - Tinky-Winky
  • Carter - Dipsy
  • Felicity - Laa-Laa
  • Ruby - Po, Girls (TV Events), Po's relfection
  • Wendell - Narrator
  • Lisa - Voice Trumpet (Female)
  • Jet - Voice Trumpet (Male)
  • Halfpound - Boys (TV Events), Flowers
  • Polly - Clouds, Magic Clouds (Magical Event)


  • This is the first apperance of Debbie, and the Magic Clouds


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Po staying home.

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Dipsy going for a walk.

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Laa-Laa in the kitchen.

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The Teletubbies wanting to play the game again.

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Dips goes for a walk (again.)

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Po staying home (again.)

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Laa-Laa at the table.

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Dipsy coming down the slide.

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Dipsy goes for a walk (again, again.)

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Po stays home (again, again.)

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Laa-Laa sitting at the table (again.)

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The Teletubbies by the slide (again.)

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Debbie with the children in the TV Event.

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The Teletubbies by the slide.

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The Voice Trumpet singing about the clouds.

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The Voice Trumpet singing about the clouds.

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Po watching the rain fall in her bedroom.

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Po goes back outside after the rain stops.

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Po sees her reflection in the puddle.

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The Teletubbies watching the Magic Clouds.



Teletubbies Episode 7 Fun With Debbie! (Xtranormal)
